Sunday, March 9, 2008

The lessons from the story of an Ant.

Ever wondered what life is all about? There are times when this question puzzles me and I'm sure it has done to you too or is doing or will do in future. Is it worth all the struggles in return for what? - a piece of the pie of gold. I am reminded again and again of the story of the ant, that ant like any other who was as hard working as any of his breed and generation, both past and present.
One day he found a piece of juicy sugarcane stick.He was happy. His joys knew no bounds. This would fill the ever hungry needs of his family for months to come. So he took this piece of cane dragging and sweating under the excruciating heat of the sun. Heavy though it was, but never to mind, he was so happy so joyous that he was willing to endure any hardship for his sake, for his families' sake.
As he as on his way his path was obstructed by a huge boulder. A boulder shouldn't terminate his goal of reaching that food to his families, he thought. He went over it but couldn't get across. The load was too heavy for him. Every time he tried he slipped hurting his limbs ever more. He thought of going round the boulder, but no luck. It was blocked. And after many such futile attempts he decided to take another route which to his surprise was fruitful and off he was again towards his home and his family.
Like that boulder he found many obstacles in his path - muddy puddles, a thick bush, enemy territory, etc-etc - and after overcoming those barrier he finally reached his home, weary limbs, sweating profusely, and panting hard. Finally all hard work will bear fruit, he thought.
He was about to enter his home but there was something that was preventing his entrance. He tried this-and-that and every thing he could draw from his experience but couldn't enter. He called his sons, his daughters and wife, still he couldn't take it inside. He begged for his neighbour's help. He came, she came, they came, but still the problem persisted. They couldn't take that piece of sugarcane .
The sugarcane stick was too big for the hole through which he had to enter his house and also too big to fit into his house.

We all are like this ant. We keep hoarding blindly without thinking about the future and the need.That what we do today has of little value in the end.

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